Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

A strategic shift to our events strategy   

In 2025, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) will be streamlining the PIP regional conference schedule and increasing the number of sector, industry and hazard specific events we offer.   

  • PIP Conferences in Kitchener, Niagara Falls and Thunder Bay will continue, and a new regional-scaled event is being organized for Mississauga.    

  • Forum North (Thunder Bay) will shift from a 2-day to a 1-day event.  

  • PIP Conferences in Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury have been cancelled and will be transitioned into sector and or hazard specific events.   

PIP has been a long-standing and trusted brand for workplaces across Ontario; therefore, the opportunity to bring a regional PIP conference to Mississauga is exciting as it will allow WSPS to continue to support the businesses that need us the most. 

1. In the past, WSPS hosted a national PIP conference in Mississauga. Will this conference be the same format and scope as the previous National PIP conference? 

No. There are several differences that sets this conference apart from the previous National PIP conference.  

First, the conference will be co-presented by our prevention system partner Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA) as such, the program is tailored to the businesses and industry sectors serviced by both associations. 

Second, the scale and size of the event is designed using the regional format; one-day show consisting of a keynote/featured presentation and a limited number of concurrent rounds of breakout sessions.  

Third, the program is aimed at professionals who are mid-management/supervisors, members of the joint health and safety committee, technical leads/operators/specialists, floor and front-line workers, human resource professionals, those responsible for managing workplace health & safety and/or influence decisions. 

Fourth, the trade show will be smaller and more focused on the products and services geared towards these regional businesses with exhibit times taking place throughout the day of the conference program.   

Fifth, there is no separate registration fee or entrance into the trade show as the National PIP conference. The registration fee is inclusive of access to the trade show. 

2. Why is the Mississauga PIP conference hosted by WSPS and IHSA? 

As with all areas of our business, we’re looking for efficiencies that reduce duplication of effort and allow us to meet our mandate to assist as many businesses as possible, while targeting high-risk sectors and industries. Opportunities and expertise exist within our prevention system which can help us achieve these goals and our prevention system partners like IHSA are eager to partner with us.  

3. How many people do you anticipate attending? 

The conference is expected to attract 350 – 500 people in attendance representing businesses in the Greater Toronto Area including Peel, Halton, Vaughan, and Toronto regions. 

4. What is the intended audience segment that will benefit in attending the Mississauga PIP regional conference? 

The PIP regional conference series welcomes health and safety professionals from manufacturing, retail, agricultural, construction and utilities sectors. However, all sectors and industries are welcome and will benefit in attending including those in education, government, health care, public administration, etc.  

5. How much is the registration fee? 

The registration fee will be consistent with the one-day PIP regional conference format.  Volume discounts plus early bird pricing options will be made available.  

6. What does the registration fee include? 

The registration fee includes access to the full conference program (keynote/featured presentations, concurrent sessions), meals and trade show. 

7. Can I attend just the trade show? 

No. There is no separate registration to access the trade show. The trade show is part of the attendee registration fee. 

8. Where is the Mississauga conference located? 

The conference will take place at the Mississauga Convention Centre located at 75 Derry Road West, Mississauga Ontario. 

 9. When will the conference take place? 

The conference will take place on Tuesday, May 27, 2025